Our ability to tailor-make solutions to meet your requirements perfectly is our strongest competitive advantage. For you that means:
1. Right-sized machine to fit your space.
2. Ideally priced equipment: optimised money-back time
3. Exceptionally long lifespan and unbelievably low lifespan costs
Our clients use the packing machines we make for small and large products alike -from matchboxes to large acoustic panels.
Our product family of tailor-made packing machines for individual items comprise:
Client’s individual needs are solved using automated packing machines or case formers with filling and closing combinations.
"Why should you contact us? At Jomet, we pay close attention to your operational environment and our specialists team designs complete solutions for all your requirements – Don’t miss the opportunity."
- Aimo Paukku, Area Export Manager
+358 40 902 2777 / aimo.paukku@jomet.fi